Last updated on February 3rd, 2022
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Looking for plants with purple flowers? Be inspired with our Top 15 recommended plants
If you are looking to add more colour and variety to your garden, then look no further than our list of fifteen of the most stunning plants with purple flowers. Each one would be perfect for your garden. In this list, we look at different plants and our list is made up of are shrubs, climbers and perennials. We have also included their maintenance standards because we think this will help you to determine which plant fits into your garden perfectly.
Six of the most beautiful purple shrubs
1. Hebe Purple Shamrock

The Hebe Purple Shamrock is also known as the Hebe ‘Neprock’ and it is adaptable to soil conditions. It can survive in full sun, partial sun or mostly shaded places and flowers during the summer. This plant has short purple flower spikes during the summer whilst the leaves themselves even show off a lovely purple colour in the winter; is known to have narrow foliage. The Hebe Purple Shamrock is an ornamental shrub that is classified as evergreen. It is known for growing to an approximate height of one meter (3.25 feet). You will find that the Purple Shamrock is generally a low-maintenance plant and is quite easy to grow as long as a degree of rudimentary care is delivered during the year.
2. Buddleia Dreaming Purple

You will find the Buddleia is a fairly popular garden shrub and it is found in many gardens throughout the UK. From June until September, you will find that it creates aromatic purple flower barbs with white hearts. The Buddleia is also regularly known as the Butterfly Bush because they are vastly eye-catching to butterflies and this includes other helpful insects too. It does very well in full sun, grows approximately to 45cm tall and spreads to about 90 cm. This plant is also fairly easy to maintain.
3. Callicarpa Bodinieri

The Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii ‘Profusion’ (Beautyberry) is believed to be one of the finest ornamental ripening shrubs. It is a medium-sized deciduous bush, chiefly grown for its attractive exhibition of purple berries sporting off every bowing branch like beads on a string. Bees and butterflies are very attracted to this plant. The ‘Profusion’ shrub is accompanied by bright, glossy, violet-purple fruits during early autumn. It can endure full sun or partially sunny places. You will find that its best blossoming and fruit creation happens when it is planted in full sun. It is the winner of the Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society. Its ultimate height is 120–180cm, while its spread is also 120–180cm. This bush is very easy to grow and is a low-maintenance shrub.
4. Cistus x purpureus

This shrub is also known as an Orchid Rose. It is strong and ageless. The Cistus normally spreads more than it grows tall, which is approximately 120cm tall and 180cm wide. This evergreen is a hybrid between Cistus ladanifer and Cistus Incanus creticus. If you live by the beach, this shrub can survive through salt spray, the wind and sandy soil. You will find that this shrub is tolerant of drought conditions. This is a low-maintenance plant that requires full sun exposure and has low water needs.
5. Cotinus Coggygria

This deciduous shrub is also known as the Smoke Tree and comes from the Anacardiaceae family where it is most commonly found in southern Europe and Asia. You will find that this plant requires full sun exposure, has medium maintenance needs, and blooms from May to July. This plant produces multiple stems with shades ranging from yellow, orange and purple-red colours. However, you will find that this bush is susceptible to leaf spot, rust and verticillium wilt.
6. Floribunda Rose Purple Tiger

The ‘Purple Tiger’ Floribunda Rose blooms from the early summer (usually around May) until early autumn (October). Its approximate growing size is about 90cm tall by 60cm wide, making it good for planting in pots as well as in the garden. It is fairly easy to maintain, producing vibrant purple and white striped flowers. This plant has fragrant flowers but is unfortunately susceptible to blackspot.
Four climbing plants with stunning purple flowers
7. Clematis Daniel Deronda

The Daniel Deronda is a deciduous and hearty climber that creates dark violet-blue flowers. You will find this plant produces multiple flowers protruding from each stamen in late spring to early summer and only single flowers in late summer. This plant can survive in full sun or partially shaded locations and will grow to an eventual height of 1.5 to 2.5 meters, with a spread of 0.5 to 1 meter. It is very easy to maintain and you will find that it reaches its definitive height in two to five years.
8. Clematis viticella Etoile Violette

This is a deciduous vine that was bred in 1885, whose notable qualities claimed the respected Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society. You will find this plant makes dark violet-purple flowers up to 10 cm wide. The Clematis viticella Etoile Violette blooms from mid to late summer. This climber thrives best when exposed to full sun or partial sun and eventually reaches 3 to 4.5 meters, with a spread of 90–180cm. It also requires little maintenance.
9. Clematis macropetala Jan Lindmark

The clematis ‘Jan Lindmark’ produces bell-shaped flowers that are mauve-purple and bloom in early spring. A deciduous climber that requires moisture-retentive soil and is usually disease free. It can reach 1.5 to 2.5 meters with a spread of 1–1.5 meters in 2 to 5 years with full sun or partial shade exposure. However, you may find that young plants can be troubled by aphids and slugs.
10. Clematis Romantika

The ‘Romantika’ is a deciduous climber that produces one of the darkest purple flowers. The newly-opened flowers can appear almost black. This plant can survive in full sun or partial shade and blooms from mid-summer to early autumn. It eventually reaches a height of 1.5 to 2.5 meters with a spread of 1 to 1.5 meters, which can take up to 2–5 years to reach its fully established height. Unfortunately, you may find that this plant can be troubled by aphids and caterpillars, whilst the petals can be eaten by earwigs. You may also find that this plant can suffer from clematis wilt as well as clematis slime flux.
Five purple perennials for colour year after year
11. Verbena bonariensis Lollipop

The Verbena Lollipop produces aromatic lavender to violet coloured flowers from early summer to early autumn. One of the Award of Garden Merit winners of the Royal Horticultural Society, it is one of the easiest perennials to grow, requiring little to no maintenance. You will also find that it attracts butterflies and hummingbirds all season long. It is tolerant to extreme heat and humidity, and once it is matured, it can stand up to drought without wilting. The ‘Lollipop’ eventually reaches a height of 60cm to a spread of 60cm.
12. Lavender

This is an easy to grow evergreen perennial that creates countless stunning aromatic flowers. Lavender needs to be planted between April and May as the soil is starting to heat up and can survive in drought conditions. It thrives in any poor or moderately fertile soil. The best time to plant Lavender is during spring because it blooms during the summer. It ultimately reaches a height and spread of 30cm to 1 meter. However, you may find that your Lavender suffers from root rot in wet or heavy soils and can be plagued by insects and pests.
13. Anemone Prinz Heinrich

This perennial’s full name is Anemone hupehensis var. japonica ‘Prinz Heinrich’ or the Japanese Anemone ‘Prinz Heinrich’ and it produces 10-15 overlapping tepals. It can survive in full sun or a partially shaded site with an eventual height and spread of 0.5-1 meter within 2 to 5 years. You will find that once this plant is matured, it can spread quickly. Unfortunately, you will also find that this plant does not like to be moved and is prone to leaf and bud eelworms. It can also be affected by powdery mildews.
14. Echinacea purpurea

‘Mistral’ is a deciduous perennial whose branched stems sprout daisy-like flower heads from summer until autumn. It grows in deep, well-drained humus-rich soil and can survive in full sun or partial shade. This plant is normally pest and disease free.
15. Erysimum Bowles Mauve

Erysimum x linifiolium offers months of vibrant blossoms from mid-spring through until autumn. This is an evergreen plant in mild winter areas. An Award of Garden Merit winner, this perennial reaches a height and spread of 60cm to 90cm and is a magnet for butterflies and hummingbirds. It is completely ignored by rabbits and deer, yet can tolerate drought. You will also find that this plant enjoys sunny locations but can survive in partial shade too. It blooms in mid-to-late spring, summer and autumn. This plant is also low maintenance.
As a gardener, you will find that all of these plants have something to offer to your garden. They are all beautiful additions to behold, all of which have advantages. Which one will you choose?
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