Garden & Lawn

5 Best Electric & Gas Weed Burners For Killing Weeds – Tested

Last updated on March 26th, 2024

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Being a professional gardener, I am no stranger to dealing with weeds, and even in the nursery, I have dealt with weeds on a daily basis. Now, I’m a fan of professional-grade weedkillers such as Gallup Glyphosate Weedkiller, which I reviewed extensively in my strongest weedkillers guide here.

The issue is I will only use weedkillers in more commercial settings or driveways and patios that are overrun with weeds and not domestic gardens if I can help it. This is even more of a concern with pets and children around, which is why I try not to use them in my own garden having both a cat and 2 children myself, plus relatives who often bring their dogs around.

My Tooltronix electric weed burner i think is the best weed burner
My ToolTronix 2000W Electric Weed Burner that I have used on my resin drive and york stone patio

This is where I prefer to get out my ToolTronix 2000W Electric Weed Burner because it only uses heat and no chemicals to kill the weeds. It works incredibly well, which I will show you in more detail further down. There are many electric weed burners around but I honestly think this 2000W Electric Weed Burner provides the best value for money out of all the models available. Some are more expensive, and some are cheaper but when you compare build quality, setting and ease of use this is the one to buy.

I’ve also tried organic pet-safe weedkillers. My favourite is WeedKil Fast Acting Weed Killer which is chemical free. You do, however, still need to keep any animals off treated areas until it’s fully dry, so for smaller individual weeds, I prefer to use a weed burner.

Testing and electric weedburner between flags to kill and remove grasses and weeds.

It is probably worth mentioning, I also use weed pullers and other weeding tools, however, they’re not always able to remove weeds that are growing between flags etc and are better suited for lawns and borders. This is where the best weed burners come in. Now I’ve used both gas weed burners (mainly in the nursery) and, more recently, some of the best electric weed burners in my own garden for dealing with weeds, as shown below.

Here is a picture of some weeds and leaves on my resin driveway before getting the electric weed burner out to get rid of them.

Weeds which are the perfect size to be removed using an electric weed burner
Weeds that are the perfect size to be removed using an electric weed burner

Here is another picture below of it in action. You will only really get the flames if the weeds are very dry or there is a dry brush of leaves around them that catch fire. So you need to be very careful when using it.

Removing weeds using a weed burner. Dry weeds or leaves often catch fire so take care if very dry

Below is my front step and drive after using this ToolTronix 2000W Electric Weed Burner to get rid of the weeds by literally burning them away. As you can see, it works very well!

Weeds totally removed used the ToolTronix Electric Weed Burner
The weeds have been totally removed using the ToolTronix Electric Weed Burner

So what’s the catch? Well, don’t expect it to burn as well as the best gas-powered weed burner do. That’s not what they have been designed to do. Electric weed burners are more of a slow and steady approach and are better suited for smaller areas. Remember they use hot air that heats up to 600° and aren’t raw flames like the gas-powered weed burners.

Always uncoil an extension lead when using an electric weed burner to prevent the cable heating up and melting together
Always fully uncoil the extension leads because the cable gets very hot. It can melt together and be dangerous

However, they are easy to use. Simply plug them into a plug socket, you will probably need an extension lead so don’t forget to uncoil the extension lead (as shown above) because these electric weed burners draw a massive 2000w of power. This can heat the wire and melt them together if not fully uncoiled.

Check out this short video to see what this Tooltronix electric weed burner can do

I have also found from my testing that it only takes around a minute to get hot enough to burn weeds, so keep this in mind when you use your weed burner, especially for the first time.

BEST PICK – Best Electric Weed Burner

My ToolTronix Electric Weed Burner which I have personally tested
My ToolTronix 2000W Electric Weed Burner which I have personally tested
ToolTronix 2000W Electric Weed Burner
I found from my testing that the ToolTronix 2000W Electric Weed Burner is probably one of the best if not the best electric weedburner currently avaiable. Most models are very similar and the prices don't seem to differ much but when I compared how well they burned weeds, how long it took and the acual build quality of the weedburner itself. I came to the conclusion that this modelk by ToolTronix is probably the one to get. The way it seperates into two sections easly for storage, the 2 heat setting you have and generally how easy it is to use, make this a great model. If your after an electric model, this is the one to consider.

I have not really mentioned gas weed burners yet but this is probably because they aren’t really as user friendly. Don’t get me wrong, if you get a reliable model such as this GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS – Gas weed killer you can burn weeds away much more quickly than you would using any electric weed burner. In fact, you can’t really compare gas burners against electric ones because they are each designed with different situations in mind.

If you have a large area of weeds to remove or want to burn weeds quickly, gas is the way to go all day long. For more domestic use in small patches, perhaps on your driveway or paths and you just want to keep on top of the weeds easily, the ToolTronix 2000W Electric Weed Burner is a good alternative and a safer way to burn weeds – BUT much much slower. If you have time, electric burners works great.

Runner-up – Best Gas Weed Burner

GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS - Gas weed killer | For connecting to a pressurised gas cylinder | Easy handling | Weed free garden and patio | Eco friendly weed burner for large areas
GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS - Gas weed killer
The GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS - Gas weed killer is the one to buy if you’re faced with a large area of weeds to deal with. This gas weed killer heats up to a maximum temperature of 1,000C, thats 400C more than any electric model. But the chrome nozzle directs all this destruction exactly to where you want it to go. By adjusting the gas flow you can adjust the flame and hence the temperature you use the weed burner at. The hose between the gas bottle and the burner is 5m long, giving you a fair range of movement. Note that you do need to buy a pressure reducer separately if you purchase this GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS weed burner. I personly use a standard propane bottle you use with a BBQ, just avoid Butane as I find it doent get as hot.

Best Weed Burner Reviews

1. ToolTronix 2000W Electric Weed Burner

BEST PICK – Electric Weed Burner

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ToolTronix 2000w electric weed burner
ToolTronix 2000w electric weed burner

I must admit, at first I was skeptical about these electric weed burners, especially due to the fact I have a lot of experience with their gas-powered big brothers commercially. However, after testing several electric models in a more domestic setting (basically in my own garden) and using this ToolTronix model for over 12 months now, I can honestly say, they do actually work and do solve the issue of keeping on top of weeds without the need for chemicals.

Can be used without extension which is great for lighting fire pits
The ToolTronix 2000w electric weed burner with the extension handle attached

I have already covered them above in some detail so this is more about the specifications, features and build quality. I think this ToolTronix electric weed burner is probably the best electric model currently available. Now, as I have already mentioned, most of these electric weed burners are very similar and there is not a right lot to compare.

However, when I compared the price, ease of use, build quality, as well as reliability, this one seems to be the one to get, or at the very least, the one I still use. At 2000 watts, this model also has plenty of power to get rid of weeds so that was a good start.

Two section, can be used with extension for extra reach of not
Comes in two sections so it can be used with an extension for extra reach

Straight out of the box, it is easy to get started. It comes in two sections, the main unit and the extension handle and they simply slide together and click into place. Now, you don’t actually need to use the handle but if you do, you won’t need to bend down to use it on the ground, so, my own personal preference is to always use the handle. Plus if debris sets on fire, which it can easily do, you’ve NOT got your hands near the fire. So why wouldn’t you use the handle?

Without the extension attached, ideal for lighting fire pits and chiminea
Without the extension attached, ideal for lighting fire pits and chimineas

Well, I also use it to light my fire pit and even light my stove sometimes and for this, I don’t attach the extension handle. Don’t forget, this thing gets to 600° very quickly. Now that is hot, and with a little word of warning, it will easily start a fire, especially on dry leaves. So be incredibly careful nearby anything that could catch fire and shouldn’t.

Check out the video below to see how easily it set fire to a pile of leaves, it goes up in seconds!

Push the button to separate the two section for easy storage
Push the button to separate the two sections for easy storage

One of the features I like is that you simply press the unlock button and it separates into two sections, again making it easy to store.

Comes with two power setting - go straight for full power
Comes with two power settings – go straight for full power

Now, something you will notice is this has 2 power settings whereas many other models have only one. I have found that I just go to the highest setting (2nd setting) to get the most out of it, so really, I suppose it could just have the one setting. It is worth noting that it also takes around a minute or two to reach full temperature before it’s ready to use, so give it time.

This weed burner has proven to kill both the foliage and roots whereas with gas models because it burns so quickly it burns the top leaving the root undamaged.

Burning weeds using the ToolTronix weed burner at 2000w for 600 degrees
Burning weeds using the ToolTronix weed burner at 2000w and 600°

I have noticed that with these electric weed burners that they blow out super heated hot air, they not only burn the foliage to nothing but because it takes a little longer, it seems to damage the roots as the 600° of heat burns them as well so they don’t grow back as easily.

Something else I have noticed is that it burns weeds more efficiently when it has been dry for a few days so the weeds aren’t as fully hydrated.


  • Electric weed killer with 2kW of power.
  • Features a conical nozzle to direct heat where it is needed.
  • Heats up to 600°C operating at an airflow rate of 500l/m. 
  • Comes with two interchangeable heat settings.
  • Can be used with a shorter handle which is ideal if you want to light a BBQ.
  • Fitted with a detachable handle for easy storage.
  • Suitable for driveways, paths, gardens and patios.
  • The power cable is 5m long.
  • Weighs 1.24kgs.


  • The power cable is too short for most gardens.

My recommendation

This electric weed burner has proved to be very effective at removing weeds but it takes a little time and patience, as do all electric models. It’s surprisingly lightweight and for the price, this ToolTronix is a great little weed burner. I actually compared it to models that were almost twice the price, in fact, one such model was the Easylife Lifestyle Solutions Eco Weed Burner.

To be honest, maybe the build quality is ever so slightly better but it isn’t worth the extra you pay. This model is still very well made, I wouldn’t say it’s premium but it’s certainly more than good enough and up to the job. Regarding the price, I don’t think you can get a better model and to me, this is what I would buy if I was looking to buy another one. Now if you have a large area to clear weeds from, electric is not the way to go, I would go gas and get the GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS – Gas weed killer. For small gardens though, electric will get the job done just fine.

2. GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS – Gas weed killer

Runner-up and Best Gas Weed Burner

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GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS - Gas weed killer | For connecting to a pressurised gas cylinder | Easy handling | Weed free garden and patio | Eco friendly weed burner for large areas

The GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS – Gas weed killer definitely has one of the main advantages of a gas weed burner. It heats up to 1000°C, a temperature that electric models can’t even come close to matching. However, gas models take a little more effort to use, including attaching it to a gas bottle in this case. While on the subject of gas bottles, the reason this is a great model is that it connects to a patio gas bottle instead of using individual gas canisters as most gas models do.

It then has a long 5 metre hose so you can burn weeds up to 5 metres away from the gas bottle. What we usually do (depending on the size of the gas bottle) is strap the gas bottle to a sack truck like this one to make it easy to move around. You also need to make sure you use propane and NOT butane because it doesn’t burn hot enough. You also need to buy a converter/regulator to connect the hose to the gas bottle.

This weed burner is really lightweight and it’s mainly down to its aluminium and hard plastic construction. It weighs in at just 2.2kgs so easy enough to use for longer periods of time, which is what it is built for.

The rod length is a generous 94cm and this is long enough to use without the need to bend over, creating less pressure on your back. This means that people of an average height shouldn’t need to stoop over to burn weeds. I’m 5.8ft and it’s perfect for me.


  • Gas weed burner that connects to a compressed gas cylinder.
  • Flame temperature up to 1000°C.
  • Aluminium and heat-resistant plastic construction.
  • Chrome burner nozzle.
  • Two heat settings: 60°C for cooling and 660°C for burning.
  • The hose is 5m long.
  • Stand to rest the unit on when cooling.
  • Rod length: 94cm.
  • Weighs 2.2kg.
  • Ten-year warranty for spare parts.


  • You need to ignite it manually with a lighter.

Our recommendation

With a temperature output of 1000°C, the GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS – Gas weed killer is a weed burner for those with vast areas of weeds to deal with. This could be professional gardeners (like me) or those with large driveways and patios at home or just a large section of ground to clear.

I like that it is relatively lightweight and the 5m length of hose lets you wander away from the gas cylinder. If you need to move further away, you can take the cylinder with you and work from the new spot. Again I attach the gas bottle to a sack truck when moving about on the nursery.

I think this GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS – Gas weed killer is the Best Gas Weed Killer in my review and is also the overall Runner-up.

Read next: Best weedkillers for driveways and paths

3. Garden Gear Electric Weed Killer Burner

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Garden Gear Electric Weed Killer Burner

Next, I have the Garden Gear Electric Weed Burner which offers a power output of 1980W and two heat settings. Like the other electric models, this model’s lowest heat setting is 60°C for cooling down. It hits a maximum of 650°C and that is guaranteed to incinerate the weeds.

The cable that comes with this model is 5m in length. If you have anything larger than a small garden, you need to use an outdoor extension cable, bought at your own cost.

This weed burner is fitted with a conical nozzle to direct the heat at the plants. You don’t have to worry about scorching a ring in your deck or garden bed. It also features a comfortable detachable handle for storage purposes. You won’t have to work in an uncomfortable position because the model has a long handle for better maneuverability and less strain on your back. The 1.4kg weed burner is accompanied by a two-year guarantee for full peace of mind.


  • Electric weed burner with almost 2kW of power.
  • Comes with two heat settings (60°C and 650°C).
  • Fitted with a comfortable long handle.
  • Fitted with a long 5 metre cable and an inbuilt stand.
  • Weighs 1.4kg.
  • Accompanied by a two-year warranty for full peace of mind.


  • Flimsy and noisy.
  • Most users will need an outdoor extension cord.

Our recommendation

The Garden Gear 2000W Electric Weed Burner is a powerful weed burner. It operates at the maximum standard temperature for electric units of 650°-660C. The comfortable handle lets you operate the weed burner easily and it’s lightweight at 1.4kg.

This is a good choice for those who have a weed problem on an average-sized property.

Read next: Best weed pullers for removing weeds from lawns

4. Easylife Lifestyle Solutions Eco Weed Burner

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The Easylife Lifestyle Solutions Eco Weed Burner is a lightweight model weighing in at 1.21kgs. This model features two heat settings to decimate weeds from the leaves to the roots. Its lowest setting is 60°C (for cooling) while its highest setting is 650°C, which is on par with all the electric weed burners in this review. This model is fitted with the usual conical nozzle to direct the heat directly to the weeds.

This 2000W model has a long handle so that you work in a comfortable upright position. It comes with a 1.58m cable which is exceedingly short so you definitely need to have an outdoor extension lead.

Like most of the best models, the handle is detachable for storage. This weed burner doesn’t get quite as hot as the other electric weed burners in my review. The cooling down temperature is 50°C while the hottest temperature gets up to 600°C


  • Electric weed burner with 2kW of power.
  • Features a conical nozzle to direct heat.
  • Comes with two heat settings: 50°C and 600°C.
  • Comfortable detachable handle.
  • Easy to use.


  • The power cable is just 1.58m in length.

Our recommendation

The Easylife Lifestyle Solutions Eco Weed Burner does the same job as the other models in this review. It does have a slightly lower temperature range which means that you may have to concentrate the heat on the weeds for a bit longer. This is a durable model that does the job well.

No products found.

5. Bond Hardware Butane Weed Gas Burner Wand

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Butane Weed Gas Burner Wand Blowtorch Garden Torch Weeds Killer Burner With 8 Gas Refills Canisters

The Bond Hardware Butane Weed Gas Burner Wand indeed looks like a wand. It works off standard camping (small) butane gas cylinders. With your purchase, you receive eight refill canisters. This lets you fill them all up and just swap them in and out when they’re empty, even in the middle of a weeding session.

The gas cylinder locks onto a nozzle at the bottom of the handle. A unique design there stops any gas leakage. And the handle is ergonomically designed to handle this extra weight and not cause you any discomfort in use. By adjusting the flow of the gas through the wand, you can adjust the flame to suit how tough your weeds are.

Unfortunately, there’s no information about how hot the weed burner gets, or how to ignite it. I included this model in the review as it’s lightweight, easy and convenient to use.


  • Gas weed killer.
  • Runs off a standard camping butane gas cylinder.
  • Adjustable gas flow hence adjustable flame.


  • Not much other information.

Our recommendation

The Bond Hardware Butane Weed Gas Burner Wand is in this review as it’s small, lightweight and easy to use. The convenience of using standard butane cylinders means that you won’t be running to the shop with a large gas tank to refill. This gas weed burner is a good choice for those who have only a few weedy parts to wrestle with in their garden and driveway.

Buyer’s Guide for electric and gas weed burners

Before you go torching your weeds down, here are a few things to need to consider when looking for the best electric or gas weed burner.

Electric or gas?

Your choice of power for your weed burner depends in part on the size of your garden and how weed-infested it is.

Electric weed burners are more lightweight than their gas counterparts. They run on mains electricity so they pollute the environment less and they’re generally quieter. This is what I personally use at home.

However, you are tethered to your outdoor power outlet by the power cable, and don’t forget to uncoil it before switching it on.

In addition, electric models don’t have the power of gas weed burners. The standard temperature reached by electric models is around 600°C to 650°C. Gas weed burners can reach up to 1000°C. Gas burners make short work of torching the weeds.

Gas weed burners are more portable in that you can move the gas cylinder with you around the garden. The burners are tethered to the cylinder by the gas hose, again usually 5m long. One model in my review uses a standard camping gas cylinder. This won’t last long but it does make you and the weed burner very mobile. It is great if you want something small and compact but don’t want to get an electric weed burner.

Power settings

How many power settings are available? Do you want to have a variation or would you just work with one high-temperature model? Most of the electric models on the market come with two heat settings. The gas models let you adjust the flame by adjusting the gas flow.

The lowest setting is reserved for dealing with the smallest of weeds and cooling down the burner, the highest temperature deals with stubborn weeds. Make sure that the temperature settings available are enough to kill the specific weeds you are dealing with. I recommend just using the high heat setting all the time during the weeding process.

The handle

Stooping not only affects your posture but it drains your energy, making you tired quickly. You need a weed burner whose handle is comfortable to use and of the right length. Always look at the product specifications to estimate the length of the handle and then compare it with your own height. If you find that the handle might be too short, then look for another model as opposed to working in an uncomfortable position. Some models can be used without the extension handle which can be handy for lighting BBQs or fire pits.

Cable length

The cable length of an electric weed burner is important for easy reach. If you have a small garden to cover you are not limited compared to people with larger spaces. Those covering large areas should look at the length of the cable to see if it will facilitate easy coverage.

If the cable is too short, then you will have to depend on an extension lead. Make sure that the extension cable is fused to meet the electrical specifications of the weed burner.


Are electric weed burners better than gas models?

In some aspects, yes, electric burners are better than gas models. They pollute the environment less and they run more quietly. Depending on the design they are also cost-effective in the long run. However, they can never compare to the sheer heat that gas weed burners produce to incinerate plant matter. For small gardens, I would say yes they are better, for large areas of weeds, no they are not.

Do the weeds grow back?

It depends on the root system that the scorched plant had in place. There are weeds with extensive roots that can be better accessed using chemical weed killers. Such weeds are hard to kill off and require some patience to get rid of. That being said, I have found that weeds killed with an electric model didn’t come back as much as weeds killed with a gas burner. I think this is to do with the amount of time it takes to burn the weeds so the roots are exposed to the heat from above longer with an electric weed burner.

Are extension cords safe to use with electric weed burners?

In general, all electric models need to be used with extension leads because the cable is simply too short. Read the manufacturer’s instructions in regard to the safety of the model. Remember that the extension cord has to have a capable fuse for use with a 2000w weed burner and needs to be fully uncoiled as they get very hot and can melt together if coiled.

Final Conclusion

If we had it our way, weeds would never exist but nature has its own way. Choosing the best weed burner for your garden and your needs starts with selecting either an electric or a gas model. From there, there are small differences in the models to consider, including temperature range and handle height. The models in this review give you a variety of weed burners to choose from.

My Best Pick – Electric Weed Burner is the ToolTronix 2000W Electric Weed Burner. The two handle lengths let you do close-up work on some weeds and then stand up and burn the rest.

Our Runner-up is also the Best Pick – Gas Weed Burner. This is the GLORIA Thermoflamm BIO Professional PLUS that’s a good choice for professional gardeners and those who have large areas of weeds to tame.

Last update on 2025-03-06 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Welcome to my site, my name is John and I have been lucky enough to work in horticultural nurseries for over 15 years in the UK. As the founder and editor as well as researcher, I have a City & Guilds Horticultural Qualifications which I proudly display on our About us page. I now work full time on this website where I review the very best gardening products and tools and write reliable gardening guides. Behind this site is an actual real person who has worked and has experience with the types of products we review as well as years of knowledge on the topics we cover from actual experience. You can reach out to me at

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