Last updated on November 1st, 2021
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The best mole traps – we look at some of the most successful traps from traditional scissor traps to humane live catch traps
With so many mole traps in local stores and online, how do you know which ones are truly the best? In reality, it is not the question “Which ones are the best?” that you need to ask yourself, it is “Which ones actually work and will catch the moles?”
We have seen lots of cheap copies of some of the best traps available, the problem is, at best these cheap copies are useless and will leave you feeling frustrated, and worse, leave you thinking that you cannot catch moles and you are doing something wrong.
After lots of intensive research and testing, we have put together the best mole traps available and in what situations they are ideal. Some traps work better in stone-free soil.
We found that the majority of the time you can’t really go wrong with the Duffus Tunnel Mole Traps. They work effectively in all soils and are relatively easy to use once you have used them a few times.
The top 6 best mole traps we have included in this review
- Duffus mole trap – BEST PICK
- Scissor mole trap
- Talpex trap
- Beagle Easyset Mole Trap
- Humane mole trap
- Drillpro Solar Mole Repeller
How to get rid of moles
Below we look at six different types of mole traps which includes the popular scissor trap, the Talpex mole trap as well as the Duffus tunnel trap. We also look at the latest sonic mole repellers and live catch traps (which we don’t recommend)so read our review further down our guide to learn why.
Important note regarding cheaper copies.
During our research, we discovered that there are a lot of cheaper traps on the market and these have copied the designs of some of the best traps. However, we found that most of these were made from poor quality materials and have weak springs that may cause a slow painful death for the mole.
Regarding the ‘Humane mole trap’ if you choose to buy a trap, ensure you go through our link to ensure you buy one of the quality versions and not a cheap copy.
TOP 6 Mole Trap Reviews
1. Duffus Tunnel Mole Trap
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Duffus mole traps (also known as tunnel traps) have been around for a long time and are used by many professional mole trappers.
By design, it only makes sense that these traps are the best type of trap available. The traps are very well designed and have a very powerful spring action that instantly kills the mole. They can even trap two moles, one at each of the trap, and it does happen.
What makes the Duffus traps so effective at trapping moles, is that they incorporate a half tunnel design and you can cover it with soil. The moving parts are also not prone to being jammed by stones and turf like some other similar traps.
Duffus traps are extremely versatile, there is not really any situation you cannot use a tunnel trap in. They can be used in both shallow and deep runs and have a great success rate.
How to use this trap
To set the trap, simply locate a mole run using a mole probe. Next, using a small trowel, expose a small section of the run just large enough to fit the trap in.
Next carefully set the trap, so that it’s very sensitive, you can then cover the trap completely with soil to stop any light entering the run.
When the mole passes through the trap, it will activate the trap by pushing the trigger with its nose or foot, and this will instantly kill the mole.
- Very easy to set.
- The very powerful spring design ensures that the moles are killed instantly.
- Jamming is very uncommon and stones will not jam the mechanism which means it’s ideal for stony soil.
- Because the trap can be totally covered with soil, it is not affected by frost or rain and this can jam some types of traps that have part of the trap exposed above the ground.
- Can be used on areas with livestock present – Simply cover with a small board.
- Very discrete and cannot be seen by the public (assuming you have not used a marker to mark the trap and have remembered where it is.
These traps are that good that there is not really any negative comments to make. As they are below ground you cannot see if they have been set off from a distance like you can with some other types of traps.
These traps really are a must for anyone with a mole problem or any professional mole catcher looking for good quality, reliable traps.
What I really like about these tunnel traps is that they can be used in any run, whether it be shallow or deep. One problem you often find with mole traps in stony soil is that it can prevent traps from triggering but this tunnel trap virtually never jams.
If you have mole problem, I would not hesitate, to recommend the Duffus tunnel trap.
Watch out for cheap copies
We have noticed there are now lots of cheap copies of the Duffus trap available. The problem is, they have weak springs and are a total waste of money and will not catch many moles, or worse still, they will cause moles to become trap shy and more difficult to catch.
We only recommend quality manufactured traps, usually made in the UK.
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2. Mole Scissor Trap
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The scissor trap is probably the most popular mole trap that is available and it is fairly effective at catching moles. One of the reasons this type of trap is very popular is because it is very easy to set thanks to its very simple design. You can also easily see from a distance whether the trap has been triggered so you can go and investigate.
How to use this trap
To set the trap, simply locate a mole run using a mole probe. Next, using a small trowel, expose a small section of the run just large enough to fit the trap in. Now that you have exposed the run, squeeze the handles and position the trigger plate so it is as sensitive as possible.
Place the scissor trap into the hole and carefully place turf and soil around the trap being careful not to get any stones or bits of turf into the working bits of the trap.
- Very easy to set as the set is very sensitive.
- You can quickly see if the trap has been triggered from a distance.
Although very successful and sufficient for most people trying to catch moles, this type of trap does have a few disadvantages under certain conditions.
- They can be difficult to set in both very shallow runs or very deep runs. In these circumstances, the tunnel traps seem to be a better choice.
- When set, any small stones or bits of turf can interfere with the moving parts of the trap, stopping it from triggering properly. This can be a particular problem when using it in stony soils.
- It’s not suitable for using where animals are present because of the handles sticking out of the ground. The tunnel traps are far better for this as you can just put a small board over where the trap is.
- If there is a hard frost, it can freeze the ground around the trap, preventing it from triggering.
I would recommend the tunnel trap over the scissor trap every time, however, tunnel traps can be tricky to set until you’ve mastered the technique to set them just right.
If you have got the odd mole to contend with and your soil is NOT stony, then the scissor trap would be a suitable alternative to our ‘Best Pick’ and will get the job done.
It is also important to remember that anyone who can see the area you set the trap in will know you are trapping moles as they will be able to see the traps handles sticking out of the ground.
Watch out for cheap copies
As with most traps available, we have seen a large number of very cheap copies of this trap. They have weak springs and the manufacturing quality is very poor.
We only recommend quality traps manufactured to the highest standard. After comparing lots of models, we have identified what we consider the best scissor trap available.
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3. Talpex Mole Trap
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Talpex traps are one of the best traps available and are used by many professional mole catchers. They are similar to scissor traps using claws to kill the mole instantly but they are triggered in a different way.
Unlike most other mole traps that are triggered by the mole pushing the trigger as they pass through the tunnel, Talpex traps are triggered when the mole comes to cross a block in the tunnel. When it tries to move the soil upwards out of the way, it triggers the trap, killing the mole instantly.
How to use this trap
After locating a mole run, using a small trowel make a small hole to expose a small section of the run that is just large enough to fit the trap in. Now that you have exposed the run, set and position the trap inside the run and fill around the trap with soil ensuring there are no stones in the soil.
- Usually ideal for trapping shy moles that may be blocking up tunnel traps which can happen on occasions.
- Very powerful spring and will instantly kill the mole.
- Very easy to install the trap in a run and very easy to set.
Talpex traps are one of the best traps available, however, there are a few possible issues you may have when using them.
- Just like scissor traps, they are not ideal for stony soils, as the stones can interfere with the mechanism, stopping the trap from closing properly.
- Can take a little time to master how to set them correctly.
If you like scissor traps, then we would recommend you use the Talpex trap. They tend to be more powerful making them more effective and humane.
We would recommend using these traps alongside the tunnel traps as they will catch the odd mole that keeps avoiding the tunnel traps.
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4. Beagle Easyset Mole Trap
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The Beagle Easyset Mole Trap works in the same way that tunnel traps do. However, they have been designed to be very easy to set and all the working parts are in a sealed integral box design which makes them much safer to use.
How to use this trap
Like all traps, you first need to locate a mole run. To set the trap you simply press down a trigger and that’s it, it is now ready to insert into the run.
Once triggered, you can see the red plunger so you know it’s time to check the trap.
- Very easy to use and set. Simply press the plunger down and it’s ready to use.
- Integral box design increases user safety and stops all parts from being blocked with soil.
- Red Plunger- easy to see when it has been triggered.
This trap has proven very successful and there are no really any negative design faults we have seen.
We really like the Beagle Easyset Mole Trap and it’s ideal for home use and as you would think, it is by far the easiest mole trap to set. You don’t get much simpler than pressing down the trigger.
Our research has shown that it’s very effective and is probably the best choice for someone with the odd mole in their garden to catch.
Brilliant design, very effective at killing moles.
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5. Humane Mole Trap
They do work, but freeing a mole into a new area may ultimately lead to a slow death
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The Humane mole trap has been designed to catch the mole alive so it can be released somewhere else.
The mole can enter the trap at any end and once inside they cannot escape. You can then retrieve the trap and release the mole.
How to use this trap
Like all traps, first, you need to locate a mole run, once you have, simply put the trap into the mole run and cover it up.
Firstly, I will say that these traps do work and you will catch moles, but do I recommend them? The answer is No!
So why no you must be thinking. It has been proven that captured moles that have been released will suffer stress.
Even when the moles have been released, they may not find sufficient food and will probably die of starvation. If you release a mole where there are no signs of other moles, ask yourself why.
Moles are also very territorial animals and will fight to their death.
For the reasons above, this is why we would not recommend trying to relocate the moles you have caught in your live catch traps as they will likely die a slow death.
Instead, think about trying the sonic mole repeller that we review below.
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6. Drillpro Sonic Mole Repeller
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The Drillpro Solar Mole Repeller emits a sonic frequency that moles cannot stand and will lead to them quickly retreating and avoiding the area.
It uses a Ni-cad battery to store the power that the solar panel collects during the day, no batteries or power cords to contend with.
We have tested sonic repellers before, mainly to repel cats and have had mixed results. However, this model seems to be very effective at deterring moles and has lots of very positive reviews on Read the reviews here to see for yourself.
I would recommend this before using the humane mole trap reviewed above.
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Final thoughts and conclusion
All the mole traps we have reviewed above will get the job done, but we feel that our ‘Best Pick’ the Duffus Mole Trap is the best choice for most people.
The Duffus trap, combined with the Talpex Mole Trap would be the best combination for anyone with a serious mole problem or who is a professional mole catcher.
If you want a simple, easy to set option, to catch a few moles from your own garden, then the Beagle Easyset Mole trap is probably the best option for you.
Last update on 2025-02-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
1 Comment
i found duffus traps a little dauntng to set t first but with a lbit of practice it worked very weland my first outing caught three moles with three traps
highly recmmended