Garden & Lawn

Top 6 Best Wellies For Gardening

Last updated on May 3rd, 2021

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If you’re not a person who gardens in flip flops or sandals to feel the warm, bare dirt between their toes, maybe you need a pair of wellies for gardening. Enclose your feet and lower legs completely and protect yourself from ever feeling a squished worm beneath your foot or grass cuttings and mud on your shins and knees you kneel in your damp flower beds near your newly mown lawn. Wellies for Gardening come in all heights, materials, colours and prices. Choose a basic pair to just get the job done or select a legendary brand to make a stylish statement in your neighbourhood as you do your outside chores in your front garden.

Our Wellies for Gardening review looks at a wide variety of wellies that are suitable for wearing in the garden, as well as for other activities such as riding, walking the dog and even hiking. We list the pros and cons of each and discuss why we recommend each pair of boots and for whom. Our Buyer’s Guide identifies the top three complaints by buyers of wellies and talks about how to avoid these problems.

Our Best Pick of the garden wellies is the Aigle Unisex Adults’ Parcours 2 Vario Work Wellingtons. This is a premium unisex rubber wellington boot so there’s no excuse from anyone in your household about not having the correct footwear to do the gardening tasks. 

The Runner-up in our review is the more budget-friendly Lemigo Lightweight EVA Thermo Rubber Wellington Boot. This lightweight short wellington boot is made from EVA, a waterproof vinyl. This boot comes in a selection of bright colours that just might entice the younger members of your household into the garden.

Best Pick

Aigle Unisex Adults’ Parcours 2 Vario Work Wellingtons
Aigle Unisex Adults’ Parcours 2 Vario Wellingtons are premium boots for those who like all their footwear to be handmade in Europe, France in this case. Described as the first anti-fatigue wellies, these tall, natural rubber boots have a thick sole to absorb the vibrations as you walk. Don’t worry about your legs (or calves) not fitting into these wellingtons; they have a waterproof adjustable gusset on the side of each boot that expands to accommodate most leg widths. These boots protect you fully as you garden and keep you dry and comfortable. If you’re very particular about all your footwear, even your practical garden wellies, look closely at these Aigle boots.


Lemigo Lightweight EVA Thermo Rubber Wellington Boots
Lemigo Lightweight EVA Thermo Rubber Wellington Boots are just as the title says. EVA is Ethylene Vinyl Acetate, a synthetic, waterproof material that’s lighter in weight than either rubber or PVC in footwear. These ankle wellies come in a variety of cheerful bright colours as well as black and grey for those who prefer not to compete with the hues of the flowers in their garden. Just wipe the mud and grime off these budget-friendly boots with a damp rag. If you’re looking for an inexpensive and fun pair of throw-them-on-and-wade-into-the-dirt wellies, these are the ones for you.

Top 6 Best Wellies For Gardening Reviews

1. Aigle Unisex Adults’ Parcours 2 Vario Work Wellingtons


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Aigle Unisex Adults’ Parcours 2 Vario Work Wellingtons

Aigle Unisex Adults’ Parcours 2 Vario Wellingtons are handmade in France for people who want to look stylish even when pottering about in the garden and more importantly, like to invest their well-earned cash into quality footwear. And everyone in the household can use them as their unisex boots assuming there the same foot size. Alright, those with smaller feet may have to wear thick socks to pad them out a bit., but the comfort and practicality of these premium rubber boots are worth it.

These Aigle boots are marketed as the first anti-fatigue wellies and certainly, the expandable gusset on the side of the boots ensures that their width suits most leg sizes, a common complaint for people buying wellies are their calves being too tight or loose. Even if you think that you have “thick calves”, adjusting the strap that allows the gusset to open wider may solve your “problem”. They shouldn’t pinch into your legs as you kneel on the grass which is a big plus for gardening. The inner lining is made of polyester and provides some warmth but be prepared to order a size that lets you wear socks with the boots.

These waterproof garden wellies have an outer sole of thick natural rubber. As well as providing a deep tread to keep you safe on uneven ground and slippery slopes, the rubber sole absorbs the vibrations of walking, giving you a more comfortable experience.


  • Unisex tall adult wellies hand-made of rubber in France give elegant and stylish protection from all weathers.
  • Medium-width boot is pull-on with an adjustable gusset for different widths of calves for all sizes of legs.
  • Block heel is 1.2cms high, enough to raise you off the ground but not high enough to be uncomfortable with long-time wear.
  • Outer sole of boot is of three-density natural rubber that absorbs shocks giving up a more comfortable walk.


  • The polyester lining doesn’t provide much warmth.

Our recommendation

The Aigle Unisex Adults’ Parcours 2 Vario Wellington Boots are a handy pair of tall rubber wellies to have around the house for all adults to use in the garden or as most probably prefer, just for yourself.

Their high-quality construction is shown in the natural rubber throughout them plus the thick rubber soles. They’re designed to fit all sizes of legs through the adjustable gusset that opens up to accommodate most widths of calves. 

The Aigle Unisex Adults’ Parcours 2 Vario Wellingtons are our choice for the Best Pick of wellies for gardening. Although they’re the expensive end of our price range, these boots received great reviews and are comfortable as well as very practical. Overall the quality is unmatched to and cheaper brands of wellies simply do not compare and they are designed to last meaning you won’t need a new pair every year like you often do with cheaper pairs.

2. Lemigo Lightweight EVA Thermo Rubber Wellington Boots


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Lemigo Lightweight EVA Thermo Rubber Wellington Boots

Lemigo Lightweight EVA Thermo Rubber Wellington Boots are the type of wellies that make you smile when you see them. They’re short – ankle height – and look more sporty than traditional wellington boots. Their reduced height makes them easy to kneel in the garden, though the upper part of your shins will be exposed to the dirt and grass. Overall there simply a great pair of gardening wellies that are much more affordable than our Best Pick by Aigle.

The EVA used in the construction of these boots is Ethylene Vinyl Acetate. This is a very lightweight and hardwearing waterproof synthetic material that’s really easy to keep clean. Just wipe them down with a damp cloth or even wash them down with the garden hose. EVA is much lighter than rubber or PVC footwear and it holds its shape even on very cold days. The sole and the flat heels of the boots are also constructed in EVA of the same colour as the body of the boots. EVA acts as an insulator so the boots themselves protect you from the cold too but if you wearing them in winter you still want to leave room for a thick pair of socks.

And speaking of colour, these wellies come in a selection of bright colours, as well as black and medium grey if you want something in a more neutral colour. These are pull-on boots without any fastenings and have a convenient removable and washable polyester lining. Attached to the top of the lining is a corduroy cuff that goes outside the boot to give it its sporty look. Some online reviewers complain that the lining comes out when you remove your foot while others say that the boot is designed this way so you can keep it on as a sock. Make your own mind up about this!

Pricewise, these Lemigo wellington boots are at the lower end of our price range. In fact, they’re the least expensive ones in this review. You may want to buy more than one pair in different colours.


  • Women’s short wellies made of EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate), an extremely lightweight synthetic material that gives you freedom of movement.
  • Choose from a variety of bright colours, as well as black and grey, to brighten up dull days.
  • Pull-on boots without any fastenings or gusset come in a medium width only.
  • Flat heels give you confidence on any slippery surface.
  • Removable lining is washable and has a corduroy ribbing at the top that gives a sporty look to these boots.
  • Sole is made of the same EVA as the boot, in the same colour, and has a thick tread for traction on muddy ground.
  • Budget-friendly boots for those who may want more than one pair.


  • The lining sometimes comes out when you remove your foot.

Our recommendation

Lemigo Lightweight EVA Thermo Rubber Wellington Boots are a bright splash of colour when doing your gardening chores or if you wear them out walking. The ankle length boots are made of lightweight and waterproof EVA that’s exceptionally easy to keep clean – just sponge it down or rinse off with a garden hose. The insulation properties of EVA help to keep your feet warm on cooler days. At a budget price, these boots more than do the job.

We’ve made Lemigo Lightweight EVA Thermo Rubber Wellington Boots the Runner-up in our review. You can’t help but smile when you see these budget-friendly boots and they may appeal to the younger members of your family as well. Overall a great pair of wellies than you don’t need to take out a second mortgage to buy.

3. Dublin Waterproof River Boots

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Dublin Waterproof River Boots

When you look at these Dublin Waterproof River Boots, you can’t tell that they’re wellies. These waterproof, tan leather boots are so stylish that you can wear them with a tucked-in pair of skinny jeans when you go out shopping on the high street. Nevertheless, these are a pair of practical, working boots that are suitable for gardening, riding and trekking across fields. 

These Dublin River Boots are made entirely of leather. The leather is breathable and that helps to make the boots comfortable for long periods of wear. Breathability is also a key feature, along with comfort, of the RCS footbed system that wicks moisture away from your feet. Whereas your feet may feel wet in other wellies due to the build-up of sweat, in these boots you always feel dry.

The designers of the Dublin boots have continued to pay great attention to your comfort. Also in the foot bed is support for your arch through a steel foundation and a cupped heel, plus a layer of double cushioning to reduce the impact to your feet when you walk around. 

Putting on this tall boot shouldn’t be a problem. The top of the boot is ringed by an expandable elastic gusset that stretches when you put your leg into the boot opening. Threaded through the gusset is a lace that you tighten once you’ve got the boot on if needed.


  • Tan-coloured waterproof leather boots for women that enable you to roam around your country estate (or garden) in comfort and with great style.
  • All-day comfort with moisture-wicking insoles manufactured with the Rider Comfort System.
  • The waterproof lining makes sure that your feet and ankles remain dry.
  • Support throughout the arch and the heel plus the double cushioning layer gives you extra comfort all day long.
  • Rubber sole with Touch Tech Traction Control Grip makes walking on any surface safe and secure.
  • The heel is 2cm high for those who find flat boots uncomfortable.
  • The elastic top gusset lets you slip your feet into the boots easily.

Our recommendation

Dublin Waterproof River Boots are footwear that are as much at home in your garden as out on the street. However, stylish as they are, these boots are designed to be used in the garden or in the paddock or out on the farm. They’re built for hours of comfort along with the long-lasting durability of quality leather.

If you enjoy wearing footwear made from natural materials and are looking for a tall boot that can keep you dry in any environment, the Dublin Waterproof River Boot is a great choice.

4. Muck Boots Unisex’s Edgewater II Neoprene Wellington Boot

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Muck Boots Unisex's Edgewater II Neoprene Wellington Boot

These Unisex’s Muck Boots Edgewater II Neoprene Wellington Boots are another wellie for gardening that men and women can share or not share if that’s how you roll. This tall waterproof boot is from a brand whose wellies are renowned for being among the easiest to put on and take off. People who always struggle to push their feet all the way down to the bottom of the boot should try these out.

These pull-on Muck Boots are made of neoprene. Neoprene is a synthetic rubber better known as the fabric used for making wetsuits, so you know that it’s going to be waterproof but there also super warm. It’s also muck proof (hence the brand’s name).

This version of the Edgewater II wellington boot is an improved version of the previous model. The top of the boot is now curved so it fits more comfortably against your calf. The second change is that the black rubber upper now extends further up your leg, giving up more protection against mud and other sticky stuff.

This Muck Boot boot has a flat heel that’s an integral part of the rubber sole. It’s treaded so you shouldn’t slip on mud, muck or snow. However, so online reviewers state that the tread isn’t deep enough to keep you safe on icy or slippery surfaces but they may not be an issue for gardeners.


  • Unisex tall waterproof rubber boots that are renowned for being one of the easiest to put on and take off.
  • Top line of the boots is now angled to give a more comfortable fit around your calves.
  • The black rubber upper has been extended to give more protection from the mud and dirt in your garden.
  • Airmesh lining lets air circulate in the boot creating a healthy environment for your legs and feet.
  • The heel of the boot is flat and the rubber sole has deep treads giving you stability when you’re on uneven surfaces or ankle-deep in mud.
  • Advertised as 100% waterproof and muck proof, so don’t hold back on what you do in the garden.


  • Splits at the top crease so do check them on delivery (a common problem with wellies).
  • Tread may not deep enough to get a grip on slippery surfaces.

Our recommendation

Rest assured that Muck Boots Unisex’s Edgewater II Neoprene Wellington Boots are 100% waterproof as advertised as they’re made of neoprene, the same material that’s used to construct wetsuits and other clothing for water activities. These unisex boots are great for your garden chores as when they become, dusty or muddy, just run the garden hose or a damp rag lightly over them to clean them.

If you’re looking for a pair of lightweight garden wellies that are also warm and comfortable, check out these Muck Boots neoprene ones.

5. Mountain Warehouse Neoprene Mucker Casual Men’s Wellies

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Mountain Warehouse Neoprene Mucker Casual Men’s Wellies

Mountain Warehouse Neoprene Mucker Casual Men’s Wellies look like standard wellington boots but they’re made of lightweight neoprene. Neoprene is the stuff of wetsuits so it needs to be 100% waterproof. The upper part of the boot is made of soft neoprene which is flexible enough to be comfortable when you kneel down in the garden at your borders or vegetable beds.

These boots have a rubber sole with a thick tread. There’s a small heel which is hollow. And it’s the hollowness of the heel which causes problems for some online reviewers. They report that the heels quickly wore down and the rubber layer covering the hollow inside wore away. This left the hollow space exposed which enabled the heel to crack along the moulded rear seam. It’s important to monitor the wear on these heels and have them re-heeled before they’re worn through. However, we think most people won’t have this issue unless you wear them more than most people might.


  • Men’s wellies with a soft, flexible neoprene upper part and a harder neoprene booty part that together keep the rain and snow out.
  • Rubber sole with a deep tread to keep you upright on wet and slippery surfaces.
  • Easy to clean – just wipe them down or hose them off.
  • EVA (synthetic material) insole is lightweight and moulded to support your foot for comfortable long-term use.

Our recommendation

Mountain Warehouse Neoprene Mucker Casual Men’s Wellies are a tall and lightweight garden boot for men. They’re easy to clean and the neoprene is flexible enough to move with you when you kneel down to plant or weed your beds. Just be careful not to let the heel wear down too much before having them re-heeled, if you use them for gardening and not walking for hours then this will probably not be an issue.

If you’re a man and are looking for a tall pair of lightweight wellies for the garden, the Mountain Warehouse Neoprene Men’s Wellies are worth a look.

6. Hunter Women’s Black Wellington Boots

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Hunter Women's Black Wellington Boots

Made from vulcanised natural rubber, Hunter boots carry their own legend (and large logo) with them. And these Hunter Women’s Black Wellington Boots are no exception. These Hunter wellies are in the eye-catching glossy black finish that supermodels always seem to wear. 

Whether or not you’re interested in being high fashion as you do your garden tasks, Hunter boots are practical as well as chic. They’re handcrafted to a high standard and their mid-calf height makes them relatively easy to pull on.  Some online reviewers report that the boot opening is quite narrow and that the strap doesn’t let you widen the opening very much. So check measurements to make sure that your leg can fit into the boot.  The polyester lining offers soft comfort to your feet and legs throughout your time in the boots, though Hunter recommends that you do wear socks with their boots.


  • Mid-calf length women’s natural rubber wellingtons in a high gloss black make a distinctive fashion statement even when you’re just gardening.
  • Hand-crafted waterproof pull-on boots have a polyester lining to encase your feet and lower legs in comfort whenever you’ve got the boots on.
  • Rubber outer sole features the original Hunter tread pattern for nostalgia and safety.
  • Metal buckle and rubber strap on the side adds another touch of style.


  • The opening is quite narrow.
  • Strap and buckle don’t open or tighten very much.

Our recommendation

Hunter boots are quite easily recognisable by their style (and the large logo on the front of them). Hunter Wellington Boots are the brand’s iconic boot, but they’re also a practical boot that works well as a garden wellie. This boot is in the middle of our price range so consider it this purchase as just another garden tool.

If you’re a fan of Hunter boots, but this pair as a practical addition to your footwear collection.

Buyer’s Guide

For this Buyer’s Guide, we decided not to go our usual route and tell you what features of wellies to look and look out for. All wellies have the same few features, but how people prioritise one over the other is too personal and individual to generalise. So instead we cover the Top 3 wellie problems that we came across when we were looking at online reviews of wellies for the garden.


We’ve all been caught by buying the wrong size shoes before, even when trying them on in shops before we make our mind up. But buying wellies online complicates matters further. Some brands give you a clue as to how their boots fit by saying that “fits true” or advising you to “buy a size smaller than normal”. This helps a bit but doesn’t completely solve the problem.

So, does reading people’s online comments and reviews give more insight? Well, not really. For any one of the pairs of boots we discuss in our review, people have variously said that they bought a size or two up and the boots did or didn’t fit properly, or they bought a size or two down and the boots were fine or didn’t work, or they stuck with their normal size and the boots were just right with a pair of thick socks. Comments about size are all over the place and don’t really help at all.

The best brands of wellies for gardening provide a size translation chart. This is of the kind, “if you wear size 6 normally, then you need to buy size 7 in our boots”. But remember that you’re buying wellies to wear in the garden. You need them looser than a pair of high heels or dress-up shoes. And if you plan on also trekking across the moor in them, you probably need room for a pair of hiking socks. 

The very best size charts or descriptions are those that tell you the actual length of the foot of the boot and even its height, but these are very rare indeed.

So, our apologies but we don’t have a definitive answer to this problem. Use any past experience you or your family and friends have with wellington boots together with all the information you gather and make your best decision.

Putting the boots on

Another comment complaint is about the difficulty of putting the boots on and taking them off. This usually relates to boots that are pull-on rather than those that have an expandable gusset down the side of the boot or an elastic gusset around the top of the boot. Even if the boot leg is wide, you may still have trouble getting it on if the opening at the top is too narrow.

The lesson to be learned here is to check out the measurements of the diameter or width of the boot leg (especially around the calf for those of you who are worried about that part) but also around the top of the boot. It’s the second measurement that people usually forget and causes them to buy boots that would fit, if only they could get their legs in.

Plus, remember that the longer the boot, the more difficult it is to push your leg all the way down to the bottom.

Leaks, splits, holes etc.

Any Buyer’s Guide to boots (of any kind) wouldn’t be complete without mention of the ways in which water can enter the boots. And many of the complaints about all of the wellies in our review are about splits, holes and cracks that let water into this type of footwear that’s usually advertised as 100% waterproof. None of the brands we review here is exempt from these problem reports, from the budget-finely models to the premium brands.

Some of the leakage problems seem to arise from normal wear and tear, and the life time of each wellie boot varies with material, cost and use. These problems are to be expected. But other reported problems arose within months of regular usage. They may be due to defects in the manufacture of the boots (as most online reviewers suggest), but here are some other reasons that wellies may leak, so make sure that you do look after your garden wellies properly. 

  • Excessive heat and cold
  • Storing them in a very dry environment 
  • Constant flexing 
  • Folding boots up 
  • Not using a conditioner on the material (rubber, leather)
  • Throwing them in your storage shed along with sharp objects
  • The outer layer of hollow heels wears away (look for boots with solid heels)
  • Maybe the boots aren’t leaking but your feet are sweating!

Of course, problems may legitimately occur with your wellies – perhaps the manufacturer shifted production to a different facility and the quality suffered. If that happens, don’t hesitate to contact your seller or the manufacturer directly.

The real thing?

We just had to quickly add one more problem we encountered with the more famous brands of wellies. Imitations !! We found the most problems of fakes reported with the Hunter brand boots but some buyers of Muck Boots also reported being ripped off by a fake brand masquerading as the real thing.

  • Always buy from accredited sellers of brands. Research the seller before you buy.
  • When you receive the boots, check the packaging and the boots themselves to see if the correct logo is there. The logo may be misspelt or may be in a different colour – these are warning signs that you haven’t bought the real thing.
  • If the price of a famous brand of boots seems to be too good to be true, it probably isn’t the real thing.

Final Conclusion

Wearing Wellington boots when doing your gardening tasks not only protects you from unpleasant sensations such as stepping on slugs but also provides safety for your lower limbs if you’re using power equipment or sharp blades.

Your garden wellies can make a style statement, can be bright and cheerful or can look like, well, a pair of basic wellington boots. In cooler weather or early in the day, add a pair of thick socks to keep your feet toasty. Your garden wellies could certainly become your favourite piece of garden equipment.

The Aigle Unisex Adults’ Parcours 2 Vario Wellingtons is our choice for best gardening wellies. This pair of premium rubber boots are unisex so does expand duty as garden equipment for the whole household. The outer sole has three layers of rubber and a deep tread to provide safe walking on all slippery and slick surfaces.

Our Runner-up is Lemigo Lightweight EVA Thermo Rubber Wellington Boots. These are short wellington boots for women and are made of easy-to-clean EVA (vinyl) material. With corduroy ribbing at the top of the removable lining and a range of bright colours, these wellies can go far beyond the garden and still be in style.

If having a pair of gardening wellies has you looking at how else to extend your practical boot collection, we have more reviews for you to read. Take a look at our Best Wellies for Dog Walking review for boots that keep, at least, you warm, dry and mud-free on your treks with your dog.

If you’re a lover of outdoor festivals but always seem to get stuck in the mud, the Best Wellies for Festivals review is a useful read. And if you’re out trekking across the moors regularly, check out the Best Wellies for Hunting and Shooting review.

Last update on 2025-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Welcome to my site, my name is John and I have been lucky enough to work in horticultural nurseries for over 15 years in the UK. As the founder and editor as well as researcher, I have a City & Guilds Horticultural Qualifications which I proudly display on our About us page. I now work full time on this website where I review the very best gardening products and tools and write reliable gardening guides. Behind this site is an actual real person who has worked and has experience with the types of products we review as well as years of knowledge on the topics we cover from actual experience. You can reach out to me at

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